Port Kembla, Brotherson Dock, NSW
Dredging, Hydrographic Survey
NSW Ports | Commenced 2014
NSW Ports extends their regular Port Kembla maintenance dredging to now include Brotherson Dock in Botany Bay, Hydro-Tow completed a significant amount of dredging in 2014/15 for NSW Ports ensuring their ports are kept at maximum capacity.
Fodico Marine Group have invested heavily in the technical aspect of dredging with major software improvements and hydrographic survey now part of everyday operations. FMG can offer the Port operator a complete service in order to maintain their channel and berth pocket depths and ensure their obligations to shipping are met. From beginning to end we conduct initial surveys, compile a dredging plan with the Port Operators, conduct low impact dredging, and present the client with full Class A surveys on completion.
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